Cam + Courtney { Tulsa, Oklahoma | Elopement }


Back in October of last year Cameron contacted me and asked me to help plan his proposal to his girlfriend Courtney. He had looked at some photos I took out at Natural Falls State Park in Oklahoma and really loved the feel and he immediately knew he wanted to do it there. He thought it would be perfect and thats exactly what it was. Perfect. Fast forward to February 28th 2016. I get a call from Cam, who I can tell by his voice that he is excited but nervous to talk to me all at the same time! He was hoping to get me to come photograph his wedding last minute!! Courtney and he had decided to get married right away! They didn't want to wait any longer and were getting married the next day on Leap Year Day! Which also happens to be mine and my husbands anniversary! So with only a days notice I rushed to Tulsa to photograph Cam and Courtney's beautiful ceremony on the bridge where Cameron first asked Courtney to be his girlfriend. It makes me so happy to share such a special anniversary with such a wonderful couple! It was a small mid-day ceremony, Cam was nervous... Courtney was stunning... The day went flawlessly!! I wanted to share a few of my favorites from this beautiful wedding. Small personal ceremonies are my absolute favorite!! I love LOVE!!!!