Jennifer { Springdale, Arkansas | Maternity Photography }

Oh my goodness... Just look at this mama!!

STUNNING!!! LOVED every single image from this session! I had SO much fun!! I have known Jennifer or as most people call her JJ for 6 years! We waitressed together back before I started my photography career and she has always been such a fun person to be around, always lifts everyone up and really just brightens the room! When she messaged me and told me she wanted me to do her maternity pictures I basically squealed with excitement, as I had been waiting on that message since the second she told me she was pregnant!! I just knew her maternity session would be beautiful and it sure was!! We got up really early and caught the sunrise, which isnt something I normally do, but every time I do I never regret it. Morning light is soooo different... its airy and soft... I just cant get enough of it! Ive been trying to go out of my comfort zone to really push myself to grow as a photographer so I am always excited when I get clients who are willing to experiment with me! Thats when the real magic happens! 

& here it is...


Because Jimmy couldn't make it to our first session, we did a short second session so he could be involved in a few of the images! They were worried they wouldn't have any nice pictures together before he was born and boy did we cut it short! A few hours after they left our session, Jennifer's water broke. About 12 hours later Jayden was here!! Weighing 7lbs 9 oz!! So glad we were able to make these photos happen!! Such an important time in these new parents lives captured!